7 Ways Whole Brain Thinking Can Improve Employee Engagement 

Several studies have identified employee engagement as a critical success factor for organisations. And it makes perfect sense – when employees feel valued and enjoy their work and colleagues, they’ll go the extra mile. But, with increasingly diverse workforces, how can employers tap into what appeals to different individuals to create environments that work for […]

Male Allies – Women Don’t Need Fixing, Systems Need Changing

A colleague forwarded me this SU webinar, and I finally watched it in the holidays. Women need men in their corner in the fight for gender equality, but allyship is a nuanced role. Prof Ozbilgin’s thoughts on the subject really resonated with me, and I thought I’d share some of them here. 1. We must […]

CEOs – Are You Rewarding Good Employees with Bad Bosses?

A few months back, a frustrated employee asked me, “Why do they feel it’s okay to give me a bad manager?”  Isn’t that a compelling question?   As leaders, we have high expectations of employees. But how consciously do we think about the culture we create for them by appointing people to management positions they’re not […]

3 Ways You Should Be Using Storytelling to Impact Your Organisation

Storytelling has been with us since the beginning of humankind. Narrative is one of the most powerful tools we have to inspire, teach and connect with others. But in my experience, it needs to be better utilised by P&C leaders. We tend to favour more easily measurable activities. Numbers and statistics have their place, of course. […]

Bulletproof Your Leadership Style – 9 Questions to Uncover Your Blind Spot

We don’t pull into traffic without checking our blind spot. And the same is true of good leaders regarding blind spots in their leadership practice. They hone their leadership skills by continuously seeking feedback.  In self-development terms, our blind spot is what others know about us that we don’t. (The upper right quadrant of the […]

It’s Time to “Pink it and Grow it” – How Pink is Your Network?

“Pink it and shrink it” – that’s the mantra behind pinking. A predatory marketing practice whereby women pay a premium for everyday consumables.    A “Pink It and Grow It” Challenge  No one goes from intern to CEO without a little help. Networks are a crucial component of resilience and career progression. Yet, studies continuously […]

Not Structured for Innovation? Then Don’t Expect it to Happen!

Nothing excites me more than trying something new with a team of bright, creative minds. But that doesn’t happen by accident…   Just having creative people come up with ideas isn’t enough. Studies of Kodak’s demise have shown there was no shortage of either in that organisation. But Kodak’s leadership lacked the discipline and direction to […]

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

I recently read how Toy Story came about because early computer animation made everything look plastic-like. While others asked how to improve the technology, the Pixar team posed a different question. What subject matter lent itself to the medium as it was?  Asking the right questions is a critical skill for leaders to develop. Better […]

“Belonging” – Merely Pandering or a Better Version of Inclusive?

How do we stop diversity from becoming divisive?   This is the primary concern clients share with me when we talk about DEI. And I like to address it by focusing on belonging.   Belonging is one’s perception of acceptance within the work environment. I like it because it prioritizes the comfort experienced in an inclusive workplace […]